Team Release is a community of allies – sober or not – standing ready to support and lift up anybody in or seeking recovery as they KEEP GOING
As a member of the Team Release Community:
I stand ready to lift up anyone in or seeking recovery.
I am committed to be an ally to all who are seeking connection and community.
Why Join Team Release?
To be a part of a welcoming, vibrant, supportive community.
Team Release offers the opportunity to connect and bond with like-minded, big-hearted people.
To help and inspire those who are struggling.
Team Release provides volunteer opportunities for team members to give back in tangible, meaningful ways.
To gain early access.
Team Release members will be given the first chance to sign up/purchase tickets for upcoming events – and where possible, offered discounted rates.
To help shape programming.
We are a member-led group and encourage members to submit ideas for events. We will survey Team Release members periodically to ensure we are providing the kinds of programming our community desires.
To hone your leadership skills.
We are looking for team captains to help guide Team Release. If interested, please contact
To be celebrated.
All Team Release members are eligible for “teammate of the month”: a feature in our newsletter and on our social channels – because your story matters.
To get awesome swag.
Members get first dibs on merch! And we are engaging with corporate sponsors on some exciting, upcoming giveaways.